So here is the new phone. No more Cricket. I switched to T mobile and got a free blackberry flip phone. There are a lot of things on this phone and I have no idea how to use them. I mainly switched users so I would have service this summer. I am liking it much better then the old cricket phone. I am glad I finally went in and changed services.
ha ha! Movin' on up!! It looks like a pretty cool phone. That's how my phone is too. I don't know how to use half the stuff it is capable of doing!
Hooray! That's quite the fancy phone! :) No more cheap phones for you! Does this mean your texts will no.longer.look.like.this? haha!
Wow I thought I was bad. My phone is like 3 years old. I finally know how to work everything so I can't part with it. Plus I only use like 100 minutes a month, I never use it.
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